לדלג לתוכן

באַניצער רעדן:Effeietsanders

תוכן הדף אינו נתמך בשפות אחרות.
פֿון װיקיפּעדיע
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טײַערער הױך־געשעצטער פרײַנט, ברוך בואך צו דער יידיש-וויקיפעדיע! די פֿרײַע און אָפֿענע ענציקלאָפּעדיע פֿאַר יעדן אײניק צו לײענען און שרײַבן.

שרײבן: אױב איר װילט צולײגן אדער פארבעסערן אן ארטיקל, קען מען און עס איז ראטזאם דאס צו טון. דרוקט אויף "רעדאַקטירן" אויבן, (זעט באריכות: הילף:רעדאקטירן א בלאט) און פאררעכט וויאזוי איר פארשטייט. בעפאר איר היט אויף אייער ענדערונג איז גוט צו דרוקן "ווייזן פאָרױסקוק" אונטן, דערמיט צו פארזיכערן אז אייער ענדערונג שטייט גוט אינעם בלאט. ביטע ערקלערן די אייגנארטיגקייט פון דער ענדערונג אינעם "קורץ ווארט" קעסטל, אדער צולייגן איינצלהייטן אינעם "שמועס" בלאט.
שמועס בלעטער: העכער יעדן בלאט ערשיינט די מעגליכקייט פון "שמועס", וואס ווען מען דרוקט דערויף קומט מען אן צום שמועס בלאט פונעם בלאט. דארט קען מען ארומרעדן מיט אנדערע וועגן דעם אינהאלט פונעם ארטיקל. צום שמועס בלאט קען מען צולייגן א פרישע נושא דורכן דרוקן אויפן "צושטעלן טעמע" צינגל וואס געפינט זיך העכערן בלאט.
אונטערשריפט: אין וויקיפעדיע שרייבט מען זיך נישט אונטער אין עצם ארטיקל, אבער מען שרייבט זיך יא אונטער נאך יעדער הערה אין דעם שמועס בלאט. כדי דאס צו טון זאל מען צולייגן פיר ~ שטרעכלעך צום סוף פונעם טעקסט וואס מען שרייבט, (אזוי: ~~~~), דאס וועט אויטאמאטיש איבערגעדרייט ווערן בײַם אויפֿהיטן אלס אן אונטערשריפט װעלכע אַנטהאַלט אײַער נאמען, און א לינק צו אײַער באניצער בלאט, און די פונטקלעכע צײַט און דאַטע.
באניצער בלאט, און מעלדונגען: אלע איינגעשריבענע באניצער פארמאגן א "באניצער בלאט" און א "באניצער רעדן בלאט". דער באַניצער בלאט וואס מען קען דערצו אנקומען דורכן דרוקן אויף דעם נאמען פונעם באניצער, באדינט בדרך כלל דעם באניצער כדי ארויסצושטעלן זיינע אייגענע איינצהייטן. אין דעם רעדן בלאט קען מען אים איבערלאזן מעלדונגען. דער באניצער וועט זען ווען ער האט א נייע מעלדונג וואס ער האט נאכנישט געליינט.
געדענקט: מען טאר נישט אריינלייגן אין וויקיפעדיע קיין אינהאלט וואס איז קאפירעכט באשיצט. סיי ארטיקלען און סיי בילדער- מען טאר נישט ארויפלייגן בילדער וואס מען טרעפט אויפן אינטערנעט, בלויז אויב מען האט בפירושע רשות דאס אהער צוברענגען.
עס איז גוט איר זאלט אריינקוקן אין די הילף אַרטיקלען וואס ערקלערן די כללים פונעם שרייבן. פאר פראבעס זיך אויסצולערנען ווי אזוי צו שרייבן און ווי אזוי צו ענדערן פרובירט זיך שפילן אין זאמדקאסטן.

מיר קוקן ארויס אויף אייערע בײַשטײַערונגען, און ווינטשן אײַך הצלחה, מיט פיל דאנק פארן זיך אנשליסן אין אונדזער בשותפותדיקן פראיעקט.

מיט דאנק

פון אלע וויקיפעדיע באניצער, לייענער, און שרייבער

--שמאלץ רעדן / בליץבריוו 14:49, 14 ינוואר 2007 (UTC)

Hi, it's me :-) DrorK 19:06, 25 אין אַפריל 2007 (UTC)

Please see to dis-allow politics[רעדאַקטירן קוואַלטעקסט]

Dear Steward Effeietsanders:

The Yiddish Wikipedia welcomes you!

This Yiddish Wikipedia has great potential, and, YES, we can have harmony with Yudel and Shmaltz, and Runy and all other sysops, users, writers, editors.

But with one condition. NO POLTICTS be allowed in Yiddish Wikipedia. NO living Jewish Rabbi be smeared at all. I promise you, there will be peace and harmony, like never before.--אלץ-ווייסער 14:34, 26 אין אַפריל 2007 (UTC)

Please put the bar higher to 80 percent i think thats the limit in English, especially for such a cotravericial candidate who was de-sysoped by the wikimedia foundation for breaking fundamental policies of censorship and blocking if you are involved. thank you very much for your effort here.--יודל 22:03, 14 יוני 2007 (UTC)[ענטפֿער]

I do not understand why its 75 I believe it should be taken down to the conventional 51% I failed a heart beat when I saw 75% (all my hard work can go down the drain) with some one like Yidel who has a open proxy and cerates new user names, check user may not be enough since he keeps on changing his IP address. --יואל.מ 22:07, 14 יוני 2007 (UTC)[ענטפֿער]

The candidate ROINY has declared he is for censorship[רעדאַקטירן קוואַלטעקסט]

Please read what your candidate is declaring: "i will not let him write information that is about straying subjects." Therefore in light of this decleration, I ask you not to make votes for him. he is operating against the wikimedia policy, a sysop who declares openly he will break rules of the foundation cannot run for sysop please drop this election--Yudel 22:10, 14 June 2007 (UTC)

If he is breaking the rules (which is a lie) let him run vote against him and let him be out voted, please give a chance for democracy, stop with your end less arguments. --Joel.m 22:16, 14 June 2007 (UTC)

sorry but wikipedia is not a democracy the foundation is governed by laws to protect the freedom of information, if the candidate says that he will block other users who will write about sex and other issues that he views as straying we cannot let him be sysop.--Yudel 22:20, 14 June 2007 (UTC)

Go on with your endless foolish and lying arguments, I will attend from time to time but not always, again you have the option to vote against him. --Joel.m 23:43, 14 June 2007 (UTC)

What exactly is a lie here? did not he said that? then please translate for Eff the English words from this Yiddish 7'th line of his declarations today [1]--Yudel 23:48, 14 June 2007 (UTC)

Go on with your endless foolish and lying arguments, I will attend from time to time but not always, again you have the option to vote against him. We had enough of your end less arguations enough of your personal attacks enough of your explanations on the smell …….. creates and that usually its brown, as well as that kids are sweet and have big eye’s and are naïve, sorry you cannot say on some one deleting that "that he is against sex” etc.--Joel.m 00:03, 15 June 2007 (UTC)

But he cannot censure this if its true, it may be straying in his eyes, but it is still censorship. Is it true or not? if its true it cannot be deleted period and end of game he cannot break the rulls of the foundation we are protected by the laws and i ask Eff not to break them.--Yudel 00:06, 15 June 2007 (UTC)

Yes if its not appropriate for an encyclopedia, it “must” be deleted, you are behaving as it would be you personal note book, no its not here you have runi heral and eff against it, you did not stop retrieving it till eff came in. why don’t you respect other people. here --Joel.m 00:18, 15 June 2007 (UTC)

I do not respect people who say openly they want to delete truth because in their eyes it is not appropriate. this is censorship and no sysop and no steward is aloud to break the laws of wikimedia foundation. not Eff and not Harel, which by the way Harel gave permission to revert--Yudel 00:29, 15 June 2007 (UTC)..

Yudel you gote trust in the meaning of a comunity, if you dont trust the comunity there is no wiki idea. censership is only second to that principle called comunity. Do your reeasearch and find out whats going on on hebrew wiki if you think this is sad you dont beleve in the wikipedia model.--דעת 16:16, 15 יוני 2007 (UTC)[ענטפֿער]

Please strike out illegal votes[רעדאַקטירן קוואַלטעקסט]

  1. באַניצער:DMY is not here a month since his first edit he is not allowed to vote here please be fare and lets hold your word, erase his illegitimate vote. thanks--יודל 10:04, 20 יוני 2007 (UTC)[ענטפֿער]

Thanks for kiling this project with the help of your so called comunity[רעדאַקטירן קוואַלטעקסט]

I respect your job as a elected Steward over all wikipedias and therefore i beg you please open your eyes and see how you are acting against the interest of the collective goal of the Wikipedia model.

We have one interest: To build and protect "a free and open encyclopedia". Only second to that comes in the community factor and role, although it is intertwined, there is no open encyclopedia without a free community. But first we have to protect the freenes and openness to grow a community.

This all is a simple straight forward premise and foundation that no user needs to learn too much to understand, but yet since you don't speak this projects language you have become a huge setback to this concept.

here is why:

  1. You have set votes that was against the will of the community just a month before without making any vote if we should first undo that privies decision.
  2. Yudel has notified you that this guy you push on us has declared openly that he will rule here with censorship, you have dismissed this grave concern as a community problem.
  3. We asked you in light of those contreversial thinks please make here like the english wiki with 80 mpercent you have declined.
  4. You have written that you saw some ludicrous vote on meta as a straw poll on this Vandals popularity, as if a steward does not know that "sysop" is not a popularety contest it is a real responsible job, yet you declare that you see a community's will to govern here with censorship as not your problem.
  5. I am here today to tell you some news my friend: Yes It is going to be your problem, because you forced on us this vote, the timing and the rules. Its your community and its your act that will make this decision.
  6. You are responsible on this joke that a declared sockpupet by another [2] Steward after 2 check users can still vote in your community [3]. you can block him if you would really want the good of a community but you chose not to block him because you want your so called community to exist.
  7. You are responsible that a user who hasn't had a single edit to the main name space can be considered a community, only erasing others work. When we ask you why you consider this guy a legitemete vote? You choose to ignore us because it can jeopardise your so called community.
  8. You are one sided biased user who calls yudel a sockpupet in meta and asks the other stewards to block him while you never ever call for the blocking of your chosen community's socpupets because it will jeopardise your so called community.
  9. I wish you good luck and you can go ahead and erase my vote because i came in only a day after your community's sockpupets names and i have twice as much as their edits here.

Enjoy your community!

--Yiddish wikipedia 15:15, 21 יוני 2007 (UTC)[ענטפֿער]

Don’t even reply to this, he is Yidal.

--יואל.מ 16:28, 21 יוני 2007 (UTC)[ענטפֿער]

nobody asks here he should respond its just clear that he is part of this hijecking with your milion names that he sees as a comunity the only think whats clear here that it is not the comunity of our project but a hijecked sockpupet comunity created by him--פרייהייט 16:32, 21 יוני 2007 (UTC)[ענטפֿער]

פרייהייט Is Yidls new name for today, just ignore him. --יואל.מ 16:35, 21 יוני 2007 (UTC)[ענטפֿער]

roiny why did not you open a name today or i am roiny and roiny is you. whats clear here is one think who who calls to ignore the comunitys will is roiny and you are asking this stwerd to ignore the pleas of peaple. you dont have to change your name removed personal attack by Effeietsanders 07:55, 22 יוני 2007 (UTC)--פרייהייט 16:37, 21 יוני 2007 (UTC)[ענטפֿער]

Let him play around with his English to confuse you, just ignore him.--יואל.מ 16:40, 21 יוני 2007 (UTC)[ענטפֿער]

roiny whhat do you want from him he told you that he is not ignoring stop nudging he ignores the comunity but i think this roiny so he should respond after all to roiny he does not ignore--פרייהייט 16:42, 21 יוני 2007 (UTC)[ענטפֿער]

Eff, don’t you find it interesting that a new user (signd up today) is already so full of hate to runy and works hand by hand with yudil? Besides continuing yidls edit fight against runy he did nothing else (upto the moment I am writing this). He is using yidels tactics. And he is no one else then yidel. Just let him cry. He dose not even have the right to vote. --יואל.מ 16:49, 21 יוני 2007 (UTC)[ענטפֿער]

yes i am here only one day and allready see how this comunity of this staerd is governed and who they are!!!

how many times have you asked to silence and ignore what others write on this page becouse in your view they are yudel? and what does that make you a sockpupet? no a vandal who wishes to kill us. i am here today sighned up only and despite of this. to show you that your wish is not going to happen! forget it! you will not silence nobody!--פרייהייט 16:55, 21 יוני 2007 (UTC)[ענטפֿער]

Yidal, sorry but this did not work try some thing else. --יואל.מ 17:01, 21 יוני 2007 (UTC)[ענטפֿער]

Yidel can you stop with this stupidity, first you are not allowed to use “sockpuppet” to support your other “sockpuppet , also you are using “sockpuppets” to try to make it look like you have support of more users, which is not true, you are here clearly violating all rolls.

You are attacking a respectable steward, that is in charge to help are community only because of your hidden agenda to use the Wikipedia as sport to fight with other people. The facts are clear, and speak for then self

  • This election was clearly asked by the community and only Yidel is against it and he is using all means to undermine it, including breaking all rolls
  • Yidel is violating all rolls in the Wikipedia and instead to apologies he attacks other users like they are the violators
  • Yidel voted twice with a sockpuppet that was not registered a month even though he asked other users to be removed, only to undermine this election with illegal ways
  • Yidel ashamed us many times and he is bring us down the very low level

It’s hard for me to specify all his wrongdoings because it’s too much, but l would like to suggest that “Yidel” should be ignored until he stops using sockpuppets. Me personally I will try not answer him.--טעכניקער 23:53, 21 יוני 2007 (UTC)[ענטפֿער]

Try to restore a bit the order of the conversation. please try to not write in the middle of each others writings, thanks. Effeietsanders 07
53, 22 יוני 2007 (UTC)

this is not against the collective goal of the wikipedia model, as the wikipedia model is collaboration, and that’s precisely what this vote is about. --שמאלץ רעדן / בליץבריוו 03:21, 22 יוני 2007 (UTC)[ענטפֿער]
You are right but you are missing one word: Thru collaboration. --שמאלץ רעדן / בליץבריוו 03:21, 22 יוני 2007 (UTC)[ענטפֿער]
(@1)Only the community will say if it's against its will, and the votes speaks for themself. --שמאלץ רעדן / בליץבריוו 03:21, 22 יוני 2007 (UTC)[ענטפֿער]
(@2)Why is that such a grave concern? I think collaboration is a far bigger concern. Without it there is no free open encyclopedia. --שמאלץ רעדן / בליץבריוו 03:21, 22 יוני 2007 (UTC)[ענטפֿער]

(@3)And rightfully so (that he declined). --שמאלץ רעדן / בליץבריוו 03:21, 22 יוני 2007 (UTC)[ענטפֿער]
(@4)Of course it's just a community problem, if you terrorize everyone about freedom, then everyone is still terrorized by you, even if it's in the name of freedom. --שמאלץ רעדן / בליץבריוו 03:21, 22 יוני 2007 (UTC)[ענטפֿער]
(@5)NO he didn't, we asked for it. --שמאלץ רעדן / בליץבריוו 03:21, 22 יוני 2007 (UTC)[ענטפֿער]
(@6)Right, but this user has never used another name. --שמאלץ רעדן / בליץבריוו 03:21, 22 יוני 2007 (UTC)[ענטפֿער]
(@7)That (calling him sockpuppet) is well earned he has over 100 usernames here. And no it does not make effeietsanders biased in any way. --שמאלץ רעדן / בליץבריוו 03:21, 22 יוני 2007 (UTC)[ענטפֿער]
(@8)Yes I beleive 26 edits all together, unless you want us to count edits from your other usernames. --שמאלץ רעדן / בליץבריוו 03:21, 22 יוני 2007 (UTC)[ענטפֿער]
And no you didn't come a day after, you came 20 days after May 15th. --שמאלץ רעדן / בליץבריוו 04:05, 22 יוני 2007 (UTC)[ענטפֿער]
With a sysop like Roni I'm sure there is hope to enjoy. --שמאלץ רעדן / בליץבריוו 04:07, 22 יוני 2007 (UTC)[ענטפֿער]
For me there are only a few words to say: Assume good faith. Try to remember that everybody probably wants the best for Wikipedia, but just in another way. What is called by one censorship, is called by another focussing. As I cannot judge that, I won't, I leave that up to the people who can, the yiwiki-community. The community has in general the final say on subjects through a vote. This is not something *I* introduced, but was already common long before I started editing Wikipedia. So please also assume good faith of the community. If the community doesn't vote as you would like, just take your loss, that happens everywhere and all the time.
On the 80% thing: I don't follow enwiki per se. Please keep in mind that on enwiki no percentage is defined, but that the bureaucrats determine among eachother whether there is consensus. As long as your community doesn't have the necessary scale, that is not workable. Just like with a lot of other stuff from enwiki. Effeietsanders 08:09, 22 יוני 2007 (UTC)[ענטפֿער]

Please dont dear to touch my vote you are a vandal. it is a lie a havhe more thenh 100 edits. do not strike it. you havhe enough sockpupets and users without any edit on your side stop eraisnig others words--Yoivy 19:12, 26 יוני 2007 (UTC)[ענטפֿער]

Eff, this Yidel, ignore him -- 00:11, 27 יוני 2007 (UTC)[ענטפֿער]

Yidel again with a diff mask[רעדאַקטירן קוואַלטעקסט]

both are his names see link its just to make you think its diff users.

tlk to yourself but i did not vote to do anythink wrong--אידיש 16:45, 28 יוני 2007 (UTC)[ענטפֿער]

you are kiling the YI wiki with your 75 names stop it already

and how much do u have? ip adress changing every minute u r a hiden bank rober why dont u feel importent to sighn in like a man?! go on with your freind eff hijecking us it wont help u anyway we are a strong comunity if u wnat or not is your own problem. now go ahead and change your adress keep on runing untill you will loose your breath--אידיש 16:50, 28 יוני 2007 (UTC)[ענטפֿער]

To make a long story shourt, I was blocked out by some one that ran a check user and found that I use the same IP address and software as some other users he declared as vandals, in his words “I blocked that user because checkuser data confirmed that they edited from the same IP address using identical software. All ''other'' users with that IP address and software were vandal accounts; ''it is possible'' that Joel.m is a 'good hand, bad hand' account, ''or'' one that allows the user to contribute productively while vandalizing under a different name.

It was still not confirmed, and he wrote just today that he “did not have a chance to reply to my request to free my account, and will do it tomorrow". At the same time yidel using his and sock puppet names removed my vote 5 times. With out going into the fact that I was not declared a vandal (as Yidel likes it to be) and no mater what the issue is Yidel has no right to delete other users vote. I suggest that you should block all users that hade a hand in deleting the vote. Including user’s that check user links to him. joel m. --יודל קרויס 01:04, 2 יולי 2007 (UTC)[ענטפֿער]